A young cricketer from Gujarat, Yuvraj Vasava, who also plays for the Valiant Cricket Team, hit the biggest six, Moments goes vial in Cricket World. Yes, Valiant Cricket team Yuvraj Vasava, during his Rest of Valiant Cricket Team tour of Nepal, hit a big six where the cricket ball goes out of the stadium. That moment has become popular now in the cricket world.
Cricketer Yuvraj Vasava is a very passionate cricketer. His cricket idol is Virat Kohli, and he started his cricket at the age of 16. He completed his schooling at PP Savani School, Anklesvar
Valiant Cricket Team Instagram handle shared this moments on Instagram ” @valiantcricketteam Cricketer Yuvraj Vasava during #NepalCricketTour #RestOfValiant #ValiantCricketTeam #Pokhara #Nepal #Bharuch #YuvrajVasava #ValiantForGoodCause #BigSix “
Valiant Cricket Team Instagram links : https://www.instagram.com/p/C3FqKlTN1Me/?igsh=MW94ZXd0c2VjNDI1eg%3D%3D