Papa’s Coffee Machine by Sheeraz Shah awarded Book Of The Year 2023

Sheeraz Shah, a Delhi boy as he calls himself, is an Indian author with a zest for storytelling. He has soared to literary heights with his debut novel, “Papa’s Coffee Machine.” His journey from DPS schooling to a stint in the Middle East and thrilling experiences has shaped his narrative flair. Inspired by a true incident involving his father and sons, this book marks his maiden voyage into fiction and has snagged the prestigious award – Book of the Year 2023 – Fiction at the Indian Star Award by Cherry Book Awards.

His characters, drawn from real-life encounters and his acute observations of human behaviour, linger in readers’ minds long after the book ends. Shah crafts his stories like a culinary masterpiece, believing every tale needs a pinch of spice, salt, oil, and history, much like Delhi’s diverse cuisine.

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Despite critical acclaim, Sheeraz Shah remains grounded, welcoming both praise and critique as stepping stones for growth. He encourages aspiring writers to start small, conquer self-doubt, and gradually find their unique voice.

While basking in the accolades for “Papa’s Coffee Machine,” Shah remains humble and focused on evolving. His upcoming project delves into a mystery set in a Lucknow village, promising a departure from his debut’s themes while capturing the essence of Northern India’s culture and traditions.

About Papa’s Coffee Machine by Sheeraz Shah and published by Blue Rose Publishers in 2023

 In Delhi’s bustling streets, Mr. Zaidi embarks on a personal journey through virtual connections with his American-born grandchildren, Ayaan and Fazal. Amidst the aroma of kadak chai and freshly brewed coffee, Despite his reserved nature and seemingly dull existence, their conversations transcend time and distance, bringing unexpected warmth and joy. Delhi’s charm and the warmth of coffee serve as the backdrop to their exchanges in this tale of intergenerational exploration. Hindered by language barriers, cultural differences, and Mr. Zaidi’s reservations, their virtual encounters faltered. However, a longing for connection stirs within him, melting his apprehension away. Ayaan’s coffee mug and lively spirit with the brewing curiosity of Fazal become catalysts for his own transformation. While Murad, a loving father, strives to foster a deeper bond between his sons and Mr. Zaidi. Follow Mr. Zaidi’s heart, as the Zaidi family embarks on a journey of understanding and personal growth, filled with laughter, misunderstandings, and heartfelt conversations.