"The Lone Trailblazer" marks Sneha's first venture into contemporary fiction, promising to leave readers inspired and reflective of the transformative...
Read moreDetailsThe novel titled ‘The Waiting Lounge’ has been written by the debutant author Chet Kamal Parkash. The story has been...
Read moreDetailsNamed after the most vulnerable, introspective, mysterious,poetic & honest hour of the day. “3:40 a.m.” is a poetic take on...
Read moreDetailsFrom the bestselling author of "Swayam", Mayaa SH offers warmth and reassurance, reminding us to slow down and appreciate the...
Read moreDetailsPublished by Hay House in February 2024, Maun – A meeting with Silence is a hybrid memoir, which intertwines a...
Read moreDetails“Swayam” is a book written by Mayaa SH which is a dedication to the inherent qualities and thought process of...
Read moreDetails208 Zen-Inspired Samurai Tales: Kids Meditation Palette" by Dr. Sridevi K.J. Sharmirajan invites young readers into a magical world where...
Read moreDetailsLife is a mysterious journey filled with ups and downs, and to appreciate the beauty of it, one must learn...
Read moreDetailsOpëshum's latest book, "Beyond the Father," is causing a stir in the literary world as it sets the stage for...
Read moreDetailsDear Manusha: Yours Truly, Now and Forever written by Anupama Ravindran Menon and published by Notion Press is an ode...
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