Kiosk Kaffee, India’s expeditiously emerging coffee brand announces the launch of various light-hearted, engaging brand campaigns that features a clutter-breaking message for its consumers; such as ‘Aaj ka Gyan’ series in which coffee information and secrets are shared by the brand, ‘Employee Series’ in which behind the scenes of making a brand are shown and are totally mind blowing!

Kiosk Kaffee has been brewing success in the beverage industry of India for the past 3 years. The new advertising campaigns will uphold the brand’s ethos of KEEPING IT REAL! Leaving the comfort of marketing jargons, the real aim of the brand is to evoke inquisitiveness amongst the audience about why they should not miss out on KIosk Kaffee products. 

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With the launch of women empowerment series which aims to reconnect with coffee lovers across the nation, aims to inspire young women to push their boundaries, overcome obstacles, and realise their dreams without sacrificing the journey. They also celebrated Women’s Day with a cake cutting ceremony in their office premises.

Another significant campaign launch is ‘Aaj ka Gyan’ series in which secret sauce to coffee industries is spilled openly. It provides an opportunity to the people to be coffee educated and mix well with the coffee culture. In their recent social media campaign, where they featured reels of their new addition of mojitos like galaxy night, Kiosk Kaffee also received a lot of love, attention, and comments. They also received a lot of orders for the same.

It is also worth noting that their ‘Behind the scene employee series’ is also the talk of the town and no doubt is a hit as well. On their funny reels, people frequently lose their minds and laugh wildly.

Additionally,as it is frequently observed that many celebrities take some time off to have a good time at Kiosk Kaffee locations, which offer them an international atmosphere in the comfort of Indian culture. Additionally, they promote Kiosk Kaffee outlets on their social media pages, which raises the popularity of the brand as a whole.

On a close conversation with Kiosk Kaffe founders, they also provided tips on effective marketing which they also adhere to: 

  • Know your audience. Analyse, investigate, and study how each person reacts to information.
  •  Create a marketing message that is about your customer, not about you. They believe this is why much small-business marketing fails — it tends to be all about you, not your customer. 
  • Tell your story in a calculated, captivating, and understandable way. Make the client the protagonist of your tale. Make your audience want your product by involving them. Follow the storytelling ABCs: accuracy, succinctness, and clarity. Make them want what you have by being fervently committed to it.
  •  Be honest and sincere. Nobody wants to have a bad business encounter. Be a remedy, not a cause.
  • Have a call to action and give them instructions. Should they visit your website or call your 800 number? Never presume that others will understand what you want them to do.

Be clear and make it easy for potential customers to understand what you do and how to contact you. Then, take a seat with a cup of coffee and begin marketing.