In Jaipur Kota, children are continuously embracing death due to stress. Two children also committed suicide on Sunday. Due to increasing suicides, the Rajasthan government has also taken several steps. Gehlot government has formed a committee to stop this step being taken by children.
This year Kota has seen a sharp rise in the number of suicide cases as compared to last year. Aditya Tikku, also worried about the increasing suicides, said that he is troubled by this news. While advising the children, he said that their aim at this stage should not be to prove themselves but to find themselves. He advised students preparing for competitive exams in the Rajasthan city to “discover yourself rather than prove yourself.”
Your life is more significant than any exam or career. Try to escape Brahma’s clutches. Life is challenging, but it is also a beautiful experience. Have fun on this journey.
Aditya Tikku concludes “It is also suggested that parents must refrain from sending their children to the Chakraven of Numbers. Nobody will survive that. It is the result of living a wonderful life. Please allow the children to live”