Anya Angel, a promising 13-year-old from Patiala, has achieved a remarkable feat by advancing to the finalist stage of the prestigious Alee Club 26th Miss & Mr. Teen India 2024. This highly acclaimed pageant, recognized for its Limca Book Record and directed by the renowned Rampguru Sambita Bose, is renowned for discovering and fostering exceptional young talent across India.
The Alee Club 26th Miss & Mr. Teen India 2024 competition attracted enthusiastic participants from 14 major cities, including Jaipur, where Anya Angel showcased her exceptional skills. Her impressive audition in Jaipur helped her secure a coveted spot in the Semi-Final Round of this celebrated event.
Held on July 27, 2024, at Radisson Blu, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, the Semi-Final Round featured a distinguished panel of judges, including Cinestar Imran Khan, Rampguru Sambita Bose, MTV Super Model Swapna Priyadarsini, and actors Stefy Patel and Rohit Raghav. Imran Khan praised the Alee Club for its enduring commitment to offering young talents unparalleled opportunities in the fields of acting and modeling.
Anya Angel’s progression to the finals has brought significant pride to her hometown of Patiala. The Grand Finale, set for August, will be judged by Mega Star Arbaaz Khan, Rampguru Sambita Bose, and other celebrated Bollywood figures. Fans eager to support Anya can follow her journey and vote for her in the upcoming reality series, which will be available for free on the “The Silver Screen” YouTube channel. For updates and voting details, follow the contest on Instagram at, where voting lines will open soon.